Choose the right residential pricing option for your lifestyle and budget.
Current Price
Current Price is the per-gallon price (excluding applicable sales tax) established daily based on market values.
A delivery date must be agreed upon, and delivery must be accepted on that date. If a delivery is canceled or changed, you may be subject to new pricing as Current Pricing may change at any time without notice.
The minimum delivery allowed for Current Pricing is 200 gallons. An additional per gallon charge may be applied if less then 200 gallons are ordered.
Pre-Buy Pricing
Pre-Buy pricing allows you to buy your winter supply of propane in advance for the winter season. The program signup deadline for the October 1 - April 30 season is September 30.
A Pre-Buy price is set, and the total amount for your estimated gallons (including sales tax) is determined.
This program requires a minimum of 500 gallons to be purchased and delivered between October 1 and April 30.
Choice of Auto-Fill or Will-Call deliveries. Will-Call customers are still required to take delivery of 200 gallons minimum per delivery.
A new Pre-Buy Agreement will need to be signed each year.
The agreement and payment deadline is September 30.
Payments made into the Pre-Buy Program are non-refundable.
If there is a Pre-Buy balance after April 30, funds will be applied to future purchases at the current price on the day of delivery.
When the balance of Pre-Buy Pricing is gone before April 30, purchases will be billed at the current price on the day of delivery.
Auto-Fill customers will continue to receive deliveries as determined by our software system.
Price-Cap Pricing (with approved credit)
Price Cap Pricing allows you to lock in a price ceiling for your winter supply of propane. The program signup deadline for the October 1 - April 30 season is September 30.
This pricing option is only available with an approved credit application.
Customers who own their own tank, and wish to participate in the program, will be charged $50 per winter season. This fee will be waived for those that enroll in the Auto-Fill program.
A new Price-Cap Agreement must be signed and submitted each year for those who wish to be Will-Call customers.
The signed agreement is due by September 30.
This program requires a minimum amount of 500 gallons to be purchased throughout October 1 - April 30.
Will-Call customers are still required to take delivery of 200 gallons minimum per delivery, or an additional per gallon charge may be added.
Price-Cap payment Is due within 30 days of delivery. Late payment will result in termination of the Price-Cap Agreement and any additional gallons will be charged at the Current Price rate.
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Pricing Options for Residential Service